What is Spirituality?

If you head to google you’ll find a number of different descriptions and some may be tied to specific religions; however, I do believe there is ONE explanation that applies to ALL beings:

Spirituality is what you desire for it to be, and there are NO RULES.

When you feel called to explore exactly what this means to you, it will feel more like a journey rather than reaching a specific destination.

Whatever happens to propel you into this new expedition could feel like a gentle nudge of curiosity, or it could feel as though it literally cracks you open from the inside out; however it unfolds for you is exactly as your Soul chose for it to be.

When I first started practicing Spirituality, it felt like I suddenly stepped out of this zombie line, and when I looked back at all the others (eyes closed, following one after the other) it was a scary feeling a first. I remember thinking to myself, where are all the others who have stepped out of the line!?

But that’s the beauty of Spirituality, it’s all about energy! You then (automatically) become this magnet for others who’ve been awakened to their gifts and you start finding each other, almost serendipitously.

You’re introduced to this idea that you and everyone around you is connected to something more; whether that be God, Source, the Divine, Universal Consciousness, whichever word(s) resonate with you. But regardless, something MORE; a higher power.

I do believe, at the heart of any Spiritual practice, it is about being a kind human and this organically happens when we start visiting our hearts a little more. I call it leading with love; creating a loving ripple effect that radiates outward to touch the hearts of others, awakening them to this same frequency of kindness within.

You are even more than that, you’re a multidimensional, intuitive being guided by your Soul. Everyone on the planet. All of us. That means you, too. We all have this innate ability to tune into our own frequencies and then actually turn the dial to those channels we feel called to explore.

So when we start doing that again, actually believing (wholeheartedly) in our infinite potential…that’s when the magic happens.

When you’re kind, believe in yourself and what you’re actually capable of, and then pair that with the power of intention; honoring your role as a conscious co-creator, that’s when you truly become unstoppable in your Spiritual pursuits.

And just like your Soul is in a constant state of growth and evolution, as is your Spiritual practice. New layers present themselves as old ones fade away.

You might even find yourself saying, “I don’t even know what I know anymore!” This is all very much part of the process. Your physical Self just needs a little extra time to catch up to the energetic changes you experience, a process of alchemization.

So, if all of this Spirituality Talk is new to you, I encourage you to follow that curious nudge, be gentle with yourself and have fun along the way!

Some elements you learn will align perfectly with your heart and others might not fit. Utilize your power of discernment when exploring and remember; Spirituality is a very personal practice, it is what you choose for it to be!

Infinite love to you,
Alli M.

Alli MacKenzie helps the Spiritually curious connect with their Soul-level Self, awaken to their innate gifts, understand Spirituality, Self-heal, and gain clarity through their power of discernment.

Alli is a Reiki Master, Spiritual Teacher, Akashic Records Reader, Inspirational Speaker; best-selling author, team member of Renewed Resilience in Leduc, AB., and a proud Momma to a beautiful 4 year old.

Alli has been featured on bLU Talks stages, spoken at Harvard University, and a number of other influential speaking platforms.

She’s the published author of a Spiritual Children’s series with titles, “Robbie the Robot Steals the Moon,” and “Robbie the Robot Hugs the Stars.” She’s also the Best Selling Author of “bLU Talks: Business Life and the Universe, V1”.

Alli strongly believes in the power of Leading with Love and aspires to create a high vibrational ripple effect, radiating outward to touch the hearts of others.

Spiritual Awakening: 7 Undeniable Signs

What the heck is a Spiritual Awakening, you ask? It’s a new beginning.

It provides an enlightened view of Life that stretches well beyond the confines of your ego and allows you to positively shift your perspective. You begin to see the World through new eyes, like a baby entering the World for the first time, you too rediscover yourself and awaken your Spirit.

A Spiritual Awakening is a very beautiful, empowering, and natural process, it’s part of our Soulful evolution; however, it can also feel messy, chaotic, confusing and disconcerting. I speak from personal experience!

My Spiritual Awakening occurred after the birth of our son, when my postpartum depression was at its peak. It was a very dark time for me and I believe I reached a point where subconsciously, my Soul was literally screaming for help.

It was on this very dark day that I reconnected with my Soul and tapped into my personal power source: a source we all have access to. This moment in time showed me that up until THAT point, I hadn’t truly been Living. I was floating aimlessly. Focusing on the ‘shoulds,’ people pleasing, doing, doing, and doing some more, always busy but never productive. Never focusing on what I actually needed, wanted, or desired to feel fulfilled in this Lifetime.

Do you need to experience trauma in order to enter into a Spiritual Awakening? Absolutely not. By curiously exploring and actively pursuing your passions, you too will eventually be led down this path.

Here are 7 signs of a Spiritual Awakening:

1.You feel deeply lost and disconnected from who you are and the Life you’ve been Living.

2.You crave isolation to communicate with your Higher Self.

3.You feel a newfound readiness to heal.

4.You yearn for purpose in your Life.

5.You see beyond your ego and the ‘rules’ of society; nothing makes sense anymore.

6.You feel curious about connecting to a higher power.

7.You realize you’re interconnected with ALL (not above, nor below).

While navigating your journey and your awakening of Self, I encourage you to reach out to a local energy therapist to assist you in making sense of what you’re experiencing. Intuitive Reiki Therapy & Akashic Record readings are a wonderful way of connecting to your Soul-level Self and bringing peace into your process of ascension.

Know this: You are not alone. Hundreds and thousands of people either have experienced what you are or they are currently going through it with you.

Infinite love to you,
Alli M.

Alli MacKenzie helps the Spiritually curious connect with their Soul-level Self, awaken to their innate gifts, understand Spirituality, Self-heal, and gain clarity through their power of discernment.

Alli is a Reiki Master, Spiritual Teacher, Akashic Records Reader, Inspirational Speaker; best-selling author, team member of Renewed Resilience in Leduc, AB., and a proud Momma to a beautiful 4 year old.

Alli has been featured on bLU Talks stages, spoken at Harvard University, and a number of other influential speaking platforms.

She’s the published author of a Spiritual Children’s series with titles, “Robbie the Robot Steals the Moon,” and “Robbie the Robot Hugs the Stars.” She’s also the Best Selling Author of “bLU Talks: Business Life and the Universe, V1”.

Alli strongly believes in the power of Leading with Love and aspires to create a high vibrational ripple effect, radiating outward to touch the hearts of others.

4 Step Guide to Life Mastery

The World we live in is beautifully chaotic. At times, it can be fast moving like a bullet train in rustic Rome and other moments are slow, so very slow, like a sloth searching for supper.

The way in which we view the World is subjective; it’s specific to our lens, a lens that has viewed only your experiences. A lens weathered by pain and painted with love.

We see Life this way because of how we were raised, the people we interact with, the conversations we’re a part of and the events we bear witness to.

We’ve been conditioned to see Life this way. Our actions are habitual in nature and our reactions predictive. It’s a process, a multitude of dances pieced together to form one big, artistic, creative, and dramatic performance.

There are four pieces to be precise:

Built on awareness, it’s our ability to take a step back and view life objectively, free from expectations, judgments, and past conditioning.

Diving deeper into awareness, we then begin to see what’s possible – anything! It starts with the power of choice and it’s rooted in selective attention – deliberately focusing on tasks that are in alignment with our highest good.

Taking action on our desires, and strengthening our sustained attention so our conscious thoughts can become our habitual responses.

Consistently taking action to develop our automatic attention – engaging in positive behaviors without having to think about it.

It’s this process paired with willingness, that we can begin and continue onward in the journey of Life Mastery.

It’s this process that allows us to experience freedom. Freedom from our limiting stories; freedom from our unsupportive thought patterns, and freedom from expectations.

And when your intentions are clear you begin the work of co creating your life. You expand the walls of your potential, you realign with your highest timeline and most importantly, you gain the power to rewrite your desired responses.

Infinite love to you,
Alli M.


Alli MacKenzie helps the Spiritually curious connect with their Soul-level Self, awaken to their innate gifts, understand Spirituality, Self-heal, and gain clarity through their power of discernment.

Alli is a Reiki Master, Spiritual Teacher, Akashic Records Reader, Inspirational Speaker; best-selling author, team member of Renewed Resilience in Leduc, AB., and a proud Momma to a beautiful 4 year old.

Alli has been featured on bLU Talks stages, spoken at Harvard University, and a number of other influential speaking platforms.

She’s the published author of a Spiritual Children’s series with titles, “Robbie the Robot Steals the Moon,” and “Robbie the Robot Hugs the Stars.” She’s also the Best Selling Author of “bLU Talks: Business Life and the Universe, V1”.

Alli strongly believes in the power of Leading with Love and aspires to create a high vibrational ripple effect, radiating outward to touch the hearts of others.